소스맨 • 양념 불고기 부채살 (1.5lbs)

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Sale price$26.99 Regular price$27.50


⭐️ How to Cook? ⭐️

  1. Chop up veggies of choice!
  2. With oil on a large frying pan, Saute' the chopped items.
  3. Stir Fry Beef Bulgogi with your favorite vegetables.

⭐️ 유명한 쏘스의 마스터,  Sauce Man 브랜드의 부채살 불고기.

깔끔하고 간편한 소포장으로, 필요한만큼만 , 볶아먹을수 있어 더욱 좋습니다! 


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